Top Ten Authors I Want to Meet

It’s Tuesday so I’m joining The Broke and Bookish for their Top Ten Tuesday linkup. Today’s theme is the top ten authors I want to meet. For any of y’all who don’t know I am an author, so meeting other authors is something I really like doing.


  1. Cathrine Farns
    It was late one evening when I was around sixteen that I first found Miss Cathrine’s books. At the time I had been sick for two years, and had recently given up trying to sleep at night due to having my days and nights switched around.
    My family ordered a box of books, and Way of Escape was the first book I choose to read from that box (and I later realized it was the last book in the series – oh well). The book pulled me in, held me tight, and eight years later still hasn’t let go. All of Miss Cathrine’s books are now like old friends to me – friends that helped me through a very hard time in life.
  2. Stephanie Morrill
    If you’ve been around Noveltea for long, you’ve heard me talk about Miss Stephanie. She started Go Teen Writers, as well as a book by the same title, and has been one of the most influential people in the writing part of my life. I happily call her my writing mentor, and although I’ve never met her in person, I’m quite thankful that I have gotten to email with her some.
  3. Bob Goff
    When it comes to inspiring, Mr. Goff is high up on my list. I’m incredibly thankful for how he’s choosing to live his life for God’s glory. I’d love to get to learn from him in person.
  4. Maria Goff
    I was first “introduced” to Miss Maria through the pages of her husband’s, Mr. Goff, book. Earlier this month her first book was published and I was thrilled to read it. I gave it to my sister, and the next time she saw me she’s like “Wow, Lydia! You’re so much like Miss Maria – it’s crazy!” And I agree – our personalities are a lot alike, which means I was able to learn a lot through her book.
  5. Franklin Graham
    I can’t even imagine how much I’d be able to learn from him. His life is so inspiring to me. I don’t want to wander through my time on earth, I want to make a difference that will count for eternity, and Mr. Graham is doing just that.
  6.  Julie Nye
    Miss Julie was one of my favorite authors growing up, and therefore she was one of those influential people who made me dream of being an author. I can’t begin to thank those authors enough for filling my little-girl-heart with starry-eyed ideas of writing.
  7. Patricia St. John
    As a child I didn’t just want to meet Miss Patricia, I wanted to be Miss Patricia. Since that wasn’t possible, I figured I would just name a daughter after her. Strangely enough, I have a hard time saying “Patricia” though, so that probably won’t happen either.
    Growing up, Miss Patricia was my favorite author. I read her books over, and over, and over again, and delighted in them each time.
  8. Dawn L. Watkins
    Some day I hope little children look at my book as fondly as I looked at Miss Dawn’s books. I’d like to thank her in person for being a writer.
  9.  Corrie ten Boom
    I am so looking forward to one day meeting this heroine in heaven. If you don’t know who she is, please stop what you’re doing and click on her name. It will be well-worth your time.
  10. Brother Andrew
    I feel like his books should have a warning about not reading them unless you’re prepared to have your life change. They are that good. I am SO thankful for his work. As a young teen I dreamed of one day meeting him, and being a part of his work.

What about you? What authors would YOU like to meet?

6 thoughts on “Top Ten Authors I Want to Meet

  1. Kate Willis says:

    Those are some great authors! Besides ones I “know” on the internet and would love to meet in person, I’d love to meet G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, Elizabeth Enright, Andrew Peterson, and S.D. Smith. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Claire says:

    That’s a really inspirational list, it’s wonderful that you’ve gotten the chance to correspond with one of them! There are so many authors that I’d like to meet. I did get the opportunity to meet Marissa Meyer, author of The Lunar Chronicles, at several of her book signings, and it was an amazing experience as her books were a much-needed escape for me when I first discovered them. I would really like to meet J. K. Rowling, although that’s unlikely to ever happen! I’ll be looking up some of the authors on your list, as their books sound quite fascinating, especially Bob Goff as you’ve said so many good things about him. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • aidylewoh says:

      Yay! I’m glad you find the list inspirational. And that’s pretty great that you’ve gotten to meet Marissa Meyer! I’ve heard of her, but I’ve never read her books.
      AND YES! You should totally read Bob Goff’s book! It really is amazing. 🙂 When I read his book each night at supper I would tell my family tons of stories from the book. My one sister said she didn’t even need to read the book because I told them so much about it. 😉


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