When Life Hands You Lymes #47 – Giveaways

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen! Today we’ve got a lot of giveaways to talk about, so we’ll get those out of the way (and hopefully y’all will enter them because I’ve got some really good stuff I’m wanting to get into y’alls hands)!
Check out the giveaways here: 

Plus, today I’m guest posting/being interviewed over at In The Bookcase, so y’all will want to be sure to check it out! Tomorrow we’ll be wrapping up this blog tour right here on Noveltea
And now it’s time for the 47th segment of my fictional story, When Life Hands You Lymes. Oh, and this post is late today because I had to go get my blood drawn. 😉 

“How did your day go?” Mom asked, meeting me at our front door. 
I gave her a surprised head to toe sweep, trying to figure out why she was standing outside instead of sitting at her desk. Not seeing anything amiss, I summoned a smile, “It was a day.” 
“I hate to tell you this, but your afternoon has had a little change of plans.”
The story of my life. I mumbled the words under my breath, knowing better than to say them out loud. No doubt a new John Maxwell or Darren Hardy book would show up in my room, just waiting for me to read if Mom knew the state of my very pessimistic thoughts. 
Mom’s eyebrows lowered as she studied me. 
“Ok?” I finally realized she must be waiting for some kind of response from me. Whatever news she had I just wanted her to get it over and done with. I wasn’t in the mood to be around anyone. I just wanted to curl up in a dark place and cry myself to sleep. The deep kind of sleep that you don’t wake up from for a long, long time. 
“We’re going to the Health Department so we can get your blood drawn.” 
I let my backpack hit the front porch with a thud. Yea. More of my life blood being sucked out of my body and sent to a lab. Pretty much the way I always dreamed of starting my junior year of high school. Turning around I started down toward Mom’s garage. 
“Your backpack.” Mom was right behind me, pushing my arm through the strap. 
“Thanks.” My word of gratitude wasn’t so much for her giving me back my backpack but for her lack of a lecture. What in the world was wrong me with? I knew better than to be acting like this. 
Mom didn’t say anything when I punched the seat warmer on before I’d even buckled up, but I did notice that she turned the A/C off. I bit my bottom lip and squeezed my eyes hard, facing the side of the BMW. 
This really isn’t cool, God. I let out a huge puff of air. Not fair at all. I stopped before I could continue my rant as images from our bulletin from the previous Sunday dropped into my brain. There’s a clinic that our church helps support in Haiti. The people wait for hours, sometimes days, to get medical treatment. Often times there’s not enough staff or medication to care for sick and certainly no modern comforts. Flies, bugs and sometimes dogs come and bite at the people as they wait in the dust and the heat. Looking at the sleek interior of my ride, I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer. Yes, I didn’t think it was fair for me to be sick when so many of my friends weren’t. But then again, neither was it fair for me to have such privileges and good care when so many millions in the world were in such need. 
“Thanks Mom for taking me to get my blood drawn.” 
With a smile Mom reached over and gave my leg a little squeeze. 
With a deep sigh I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep, lulled by the hum of the engine. 

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