V is for Victory

For the A to Z challenge this year, I’m posting about one of my favorite things: Living the life you were born to live. I’ve been so blessed with a family that constantly encourages me and builds me up and I want to pass that along to y’all! I’ll be traveling a lot during the month, so some of the posts are scheduled ahead of time and answering comments might take some time. I’ll try and keep up though. Thanks for stopping by! 

V is for Victory… 

One thing I’ve figured out is that when I focus on what’s going on right now, it can be easy to get discouraged or behind. There are so many things I do that I can’t see results from for a long time. Because of that, I imagine the victory. I imagine what it will be like when I’ve sold a million books. I imagine what it will be like when I’m in front of a crowd of thousands of people, talking about dreams. I can close my eyes and almost hear the applause as I walk on stage. 

I also celebrate the small victories. It doesn’t matter if I reward myself with a pat on the back or an ice cream cone or the day off, when I reach a milestone, no matter how small it is, I celebrate it. Victories are important and acknowledging them can give me the boost I need to keep going. 

So, next time you’re having a hard time, imagine and celebrate the victory and feel renewed! 

2 thoughts on “V is for Victory

  1. David Mabe says:

    When victory is achieved, that is when you look back and see where those failures, while possibly devastating at the time, were necessary to get to the victory. I'm sure that, to the disciples, the Saturday after the crucifixion looked like one massive failure of what they'd spend the previous three years trying to accomplish. But the next day, they were going to witness the greatest victory in the history of the world. Which reminds me of a hymn. “Victory in Jesus.” 🙂 Have a great day, Aidyl.


  2. Bekah says:

    Yes, celebrating the little things can be so helpful! Even if it just means that you accomplished most, or all, of your to-do list, I'd definitely say that's victory. If you only get one chapter of a book edited, I'd consider that a victory. So let's celebrate the little victories as well as the big ones!

    His Princess,


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