
Really… Who in their right mind doesn’t enjoy weather like this? Actually you don’t need to answer that question. Just enjoy the autumn pictures. October, October, October. Such a beautiful and busy month!

This week my parents were on a business trip, and we kids enjoyed having late suppers, one of which resembled breakfast quite a lot. 😉

I spent most of the week turning my book into an audio book. I can’t wait for it to be done! So yep, that’s what I’ve been up to, and why my little blog has been somewhat neglected. I hope y’all are having a great week!

8 thoughts on “Beauty

  1. Anonymous says:

    That all sounds fun! It's great just to have all the kids at home occasionally. It can get a little crazy, but it's fun crazy! So what kind of software are you using for your audiobook?



  2. Aidyl Ewoh says:

    My software is Adobe Audition. My dad owns all the equipment needed (including sound effects and music tracks) for his business, so I'm able to use it without any extra cost, plus I learned how to a while ago, while working on a project with him. So it's really nice!
    And yes, siblings can create a lot of fun craziness! =)


  3. Aaron Smith says:

    Probably the same project that wound up on my iPod. I think Whitney was doing something with my computer and – somehow – downloaded it to iTunes, and when I went to sync my iPod – voila! The project boarded like stowaway pirates, leaving me quite amused and highly entertained later when I was scrolling through my playlists… 😉


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