
God. Family. Writing. Music. Autumn. Friends. Books. Generosity. Cooking. Swinging. Thankfulness.
Goals. Stars. Countryside. Laughing. Hugs. Respect. Forgiveness. Mountains. Memories.  Beauty.

Twenty-one things I find inspiring (in no particular order).

My early memories decidedly revolve around family. Family meals, school time, playing games, talking together, family devotions. Talking and giggling. Mommy or my oldest sister reading to us when we folded laundry or sorted socks. Going out on drives at night during the Christmas Season just so we could see the lights. Eating popsicles in our pajamas. Making memories.

Also my time with my cousins, grandparents, and aunts and uncles as well. Playing dress up, acting as if we were headed out West, hiding from the Nazis… We girls lived out the lives we read about in our history books. Gathering around to play games. Gingerbread house parties. Plotting for ways to spend more time together.

When I was little, I knew I would grow up one day, I had a host of older siblings who had proven that fact to be true. I just didn’t realize how it would be to grow up. I never consciously thought of the fact that one day I wouldn’t have to ask before I ate a snack, I could just go and get something. Nor did I think of how one day I wouldn’t have a bedtime. Then that kind of stuff started happening. And I didn’t stop to think about it, because well, it was just life. Part of getting older.

And then it started hitting me. I’m making my own choices in life. I am going places by myself. I’m buying things without ever even thinking of asking permission. I am growing up.

Instead of being able to do anything I wanted, like I probably misconstrued growing up to be as a child, I realize now that it means knowing how and taking responsibility. My life has been given to me as a gift from God. Not only did He give me the family and circumstances He wanted me to have, He also gave me all the ability and talent I need to fulfill His purposes for me.

Purpose. I was put here on earth for a reason. When I get to heaven I want to hear Him say “Well done, good and faithful servant”, I want to know I did my utmost for His highest. Our time on earth is so short. So fleeting. Sometimes I’m overwhelmed with the desire to help everyone see that life is too short to waste. That eternity lasts forever. That one day the minutes, hours, years we have here will be over, and there’s nothing we can do about it, except redeem the time. Time that is wasted can never be reclaimed. And that time well-spent is actually invested. Invested in eternity.

This last week I spent by myself. Looking back at my life. Trying to imagine the future. Closing one chapter, opening the next. (More about last week in future posts.) Today I greet a new era of my life. A new chapter awaiting my footprints to write the story God has chosen for my life. I see an undetermined amount of time stretching before me. Days, weeks, months or years. However long it may be, I know this next chapter will be directed by God, and that it is a gift given to me, so I can serve my Savior like never before.

What are you doing with your time?

And in case anyone is wondering, this is my 21st birthday. And when we are on the subject of birthdays, you should look at this post, which a friend of mine wrote. It’s amazing. 

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