Author Interview – Oliver Dahl

And one more author interview to round out the week. Make sure you read all the way through, because his e-book is free on Amazon today! 

About me: (from Amazon)

Born in 1998, Oliver Dahl is the oldest of five children and lives in Idaho. Previous to finishing middle school, The Dreamers had earned him the a spot as one of Idaho’s Top 50 Idaho authors (2011). The title of Idaho’s Student of the Year (2012) preceded both the publication of Dahl’s second novel, The Nightmarers, and the completion of his freshman year of high school. The Nightmarers hit its first category bestseller list the summer before his sophomore year. He enjoys reading, vlogging, and laughing at his own jokes. Dahl is also an awarded musician, blogger, and engineer. He has twice as many Oscars as Leonardo DiCaprio, and has won the Tour de France as many times as Lance Armstrong.

What inspired you to write? 

I always really loved reading. I read anything I could get my hands on. I couldn’t ever really find a book that I didn’t like. However, none of them were perfect. I hadn’t read a book that was written FOR me before. So, around the fourth grade, I set out to write such a book. I wanted to write something that I could enjoy, that had little elements of every book that I had ever enjoyed, all put together to make the perfect book. Now, years later, I still strive to do that. I write the kind of books that I would want to read, and I just hope that other people want to read them, too.

When you’re writing do you…listen to music? If so, what? 

I do! Most of the time, I try to avoid music with lyrics when I’m writing, because I find myself singing along in my head, thinking those words rather than the ones I want to write. This isn’t always the case, so when I do write to lyrical music, it’s usually by Imagine Dragons, Maroon 5, AWOLNATION, Mat Kearney, The Fray, OneRepublic, and other alternative/pop/electric bands. Primarily, though, when I’m writing, I LOVE to listen to Two Steps a From Hell, and other artists like them. (Movie Soundtracks, etc.)

Rapid fire answers!
If you could… Go back in time, what time period would you visit? 
  Right now, it would be the Salem Witch Trials, 1692, because I’m working on finishing up my next book which takes place during this time. (

If you could…Meet anyone historical or living today, who would it be? 
  Thomas Jefferson.

If you could…Go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  Paris, France. (Got another book set there, eventually to be written)

If you could… Be anything you wanted (career-wise) what would it be?
  An author! I can’t imagine being anything else. If that doesn’t end up working out, then I still want to be in the publishing industry. Editing, cover design, marketing… Anything book and publishing related!

Would you rather… Have a cat or a dog? 

I think a cat. There’s some pretty adorable kitties out there. Maybe I’m biased cause I’m from the Internet. (Yes, I live there). 

Do you consider yourself… An outgoing or more shy person? 

I used to be REALLY shy, quiet, and reserved. No longer! Writing and marketing a book has definitely helped me escape that shell.

An inside or outside person? 

Inside. I hate the outside. Unless it’s dark and cloudy and about to rain. I love that stuff.

My book, The Dreamers is free on Amazon from Sept. 26-28th! Grab a copy here!

Thanks, Oliver! It was great having you. =)

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