My Day // I Won A Giveaway!

Alrighty folks, picture my day:
My sister comes and wakes me up at 7-something this morning, telling me she’s made me breakfast. She was going to give me ‘breakfast in bed’, but I told her I would just go to the table and eat with her. So I came in and found a tray with an omelet, blueberry pancakes and several slices of fruit. 
And then since I’m not feeling well today, I got to just rest and read some free kindle books (that I found here) on my iPhone. Thanks to Tessa, for first telling me about the site!
And then in addition to that, I get an email from Tessa (yes, the same ^ Tessa), letting me know that I won the giveaway that she had over at her blog for a book by Betsy St. Amant! I think that’s the first giveaway I’ve ever won. (Maybe ever entered? Naw, I think I’ve entered a few before.) 
And I got a nice email that really made me happy from someone in my family…
So yeah, those are some cool things to happen and it’s only a little past noon. Oh yes, and I get to go to a company Christmas dinner party tonight. And our company rocks, so I’m pretty happy about it. =)
So yeah, all those things are really nice pick-me-uppers since I’m not feeling well at all today. 
How is your day going?

8 thoughts on “My Day // I Won A Giveaway!

  1. Sierra says:

    Congrats on winning the giveaway! And I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day and get to feeling better! I have had an okay day so far, I've written a good deal today 🙂 Sierra
    Keep growing beautiful!


  2. Piper says:

    Aw I hope you feel better soon! 🙂 I haven't written much of my main WIP, but my best friend is in California so I'm catching up on the short stories we write. 🙂



  3. Anonymous says:

    I hope you're feeling better!
    What a happy day – that was oh-so-sweet of your sister, and it's always a thrill to win a giveaway!
    Just been Christmas baking here and making all sorts of homemade Christmas gifts. Candles, book safes, heated neck pillows, bath salts. Oh so fun. 🙂 Getting overwhelmed, but I get overwhelmed so easily..
    Merry Christmas!



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