The Versatile Blogger =)

Hey! A while back, Lauren from Word Art awarded me with this award:
“Capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: a versatile writer.”
Thanks Lauren! Sorry it took me so long to post it. =/
I was new to blogging and quite overwhelmed with everything, so I just left it alone for a bit. 
Anyway, everyone who’s been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award is supposed to do several things, including giving out the award to other people and telling seven things about themselves. 
I’m not going to give it out to as many people as I’m supposed to, but rather just to three of my favorite bloggers:
Later on if I find more people who I think I should give it to, I might just do that. =)
Oh, and as to the seven things about myself?
1. I hardly ever sit still; as I’m typing this, I’m bouncing my legs. It tires me out not to bounce. Seriously.
2. Most of the time if I get a letter in the mail, I’ll carry it around in my pocket all day before I open it, just ‘cause it makes me happy.
3. I like traveling, not just the destination. Sometimes I like the travel part better.
4. I have the shortest name in my family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
5. I memorized the book of James in the Bible a few years ago with one of my cousins.
6. I look about half my age – well, not quite. Once when I was 15, someone thought my sister, who’s only 18 months older than me, was my mom. Ugg! Um, I will say, the person thought my sister was a lot older than 16, not that I was eight… Or at least I hope she did.  
7. I didn’t like the name Aaliyah until I saw it spelled, then it became one of my favorite names. Random, I know.
Anyway, there are the seven things about myself. I always like it when other bloggers do a blog post like this, so hopefully you enjoy it too. And, if any of you want to tell me some random things about yourself, I’m very interested in hearing them! 

19 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger =)

  1. Joy ~ Doodlebug ~ says:

    You learned the entire book of James? That's awesome! I have a pretty short name, too–Joy. Now that I think about it, I might have the shortest name in my family, too!

    Congratulations on getting the award! 🙂

    God bless you!
    Joy 🙂


  2. Jennoelle says:

    awh, thanks so much for this! I usually don't do this sort of thing on my blog, but it's super sweet of you to think of me, and I'm actually really flattered, because those other blogs are two of my favorites as well. aaand…travelling, looking super young, and not sitting still? hah–yes. me too, totally. and getting letters in the mail is the best. (:


  3. Aidyl Ewoh says:

    This comment was left on my blog, but I was replying to a comment at the same time, and somehow this one went 'poof’. =) Probably as soon as I re-post this, her’s will turn up again. Oh well. Anyway, this is from Jennoelle at

    Jennoelle has left a new comment on your post “The Versatile Blogger =)”:

    awh, thanks so much for this! I usually don't do this sort of thing on my blog, but it's super sweet of you to think of me, and I'm actually really flattered, because those other blogs are two of my favorites as well. aaand…travelling, looking super young, and not sitting still? hah–yes. me too, totally. and getting letters in the mail is the best. (:


  4. Anonymous says:

    I think my favorite thing ever is when you write randomness about yourself…can you do posts like that more often?
    ~Your Secret Admirer


  5. Lauren says:

    Yay! You accepted it! You do have a lovely blog. 🙂

    I can identify with number 6 except – well, in the opposite way. 🙂 I'm the older sister who gets mistaken for the mom! (Sad, I know)

    life's too short not to wear read shoes is a great blog, isn't it? I know (and go to the same church as) the girl who writes it (Polka Dot – although that isn't her real name).


  6. Aidyl Ewoh says:

    Hey YSA,

    I must say, you’ve made me extremely curious. All I can think of, is 'Why didn’t I think of this and go make some other people’s day by leaving comments in this manner?’ Yeah, that was confusing, wasn’t it?



  7. Aidyl Ewoh says:

    Thank you again for the award. That’s funny about you being mistaken as the mom…. Ugg, what is up with looking/not looking your age???? 😉 Oh, and that’s really neat that you go to the same church as her. I wondered for a long time what her name was, but then I saw it somewhere. Maybe on one of her friend’s blogs. Anyway, I thought it was cool, ‘cause I have a niece with the same name. It looks like you all live in a beautiful place, by the way!


  8. Aidyl Ewoh says:

    Sorry, your comment went to spam, and I don’t have any clue why, and I don’t know why it did it… But anyway, I just found it. =) Thanks for the comment! And by the way, your blog is really totally amazing.


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