T is for Tenacity #AtoZChallenge

Welcome to the A to Z Challenge. This year I’m blogging about the Behind the Scenes for the Echoes Trilogy – a story a started writing about six years ago.

A2Z-BADGE-100 [2017]

When it comes to the craft of writing, I have a lot of skills that still need to be honed. Like, a lot of them. Looking back to the first fumbling attempts at writing Echoes makes me want to facepalm. It also makes me smile at my adorable little self, and be thankful that I realized even back then that the book was in need of more skills than I possessed at the time. (Cause, let’s just be real: if I would have kept going it not only would have been a waste of time, but it would have also been pretty embarrassing.)

Years ago when I first tried to find an editor to help me with one of my books, I was encouraged by professionals to wait and learn and grow before pursuing publication. It was good advice.

The last six years have seen lots of changes in my writing style, in my writing knowledge, and in my writing level. Yet, at the same time I’m so thankful that I did try and start the Echoes series when I was eighteen. The idea was a winner (literally – I won second place with a pitch contest), and trying my hand at it back then helped give me a passion for the series that hasn’t abated over the years.


It’s not always easy to be tenacious – especially when spending four or so years just formulating a plan in your head. (Although please, that’s not all I did. I also lived life, wrote other books, and accomplished a lot of stuff. That’s all I did on the Echoes book, though.) But, when a dream is really worth it, then having tenacity is key to accomplishing it. And enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a pretty important element when it comes to being a writer.

This last week I waded into the third draft of Echoes, which is in reality would be more than the third draft if we counted my attempt from back when I was eighteen. I wrote the first draft of this version of Echoes in November of 2015, and then the summer of 2016 – because yes, I’m doing it again: combining the first and second books in a series. (Apparently I haven’t quite figured out where to start and stop books yet?)

So yes. I’ve learned that having tenacity as a writer is pretty important. Plus, it’s a pretty cool word – maybe one day I’ll name a child or character or pet “Tenacity.” Who wouldn’t like such a strong name?

(Just kidding. I wouldn’t name my kid that.)

(Probably not, at least.)

37 thoughts on “T is for Tenacity #AtoZChallenge

  1. shaunkellett says:

    Tenacity is one of the hardest skills to hone; discipline too, and enthusiasm as you mentioned. It can be very hard to ‘stick with it’, and it can be far easier to just give up… easier, but certainly not as satisfying. Glad you’re staying tenacious and pursuing your dream! Would be a shame to give up now, you’re getting real so close 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Oh dear. I’m sorry about your fish not staying around for very long. Naming one Tenacity sounds like a great idea. 😉
      Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m off to visit yours now.


  2. Claire says:

    Tenacity is a fantastic thing…and a great vocabulary word – I’m going to try to work it into more conversations! (Maybe not a kid’s name, but I could see it being adorable for a bunny or something!) And it’s so cool you’ve been working on the Echoes series since you were eighteen…good for you for sticking with it. Patience is a difficult thing. 🙂 I’m sure all the years of work will be worth it at the end!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      OOOH! A bunny named Tenacity does sound like a good idea. I hadn’t even thought of a bunny when I said “pet.” Unfortunately, I currently have too many bunnies as it is, so I don’t foresee getting another one in the near future.
      Thank you for your encouragement, Claire! It’s been so much fun having you comment all the time – I really appreciate it a lot!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Teaching it is great! And teaching through example? Way to go! And yes, in reality I don’t recommend naming a child Tenacity, either. 😉


    • Lydia Howe says:

      Haha, yeah. That would have been a rather crazy use of four years of life. I can imagine that there are SOME things worth spending that much time working on, but a fiction book isn’t one of them. 😉


  3. Arti says:

    Wise Lydia. I need to read your posts more often. I’m 46. I’d always been fond of penning stuff down but never took it seriously till I started blogging 5 years ago.
    Two years ago, one of my short stories got published almost as soon as I sent it and I thought, there,I’ve cracked it. I can write a book now. Ha! All I’ve had (for my stories) since then is a looooong string of rejections. So, yes, bags and bags full of tenacity is needed to keep going.
    T is for Tavaa Toast

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Good job with getting your short story published! That’s great! And yeah, I know what you mean by thinking that since you’ve got a foot in the door, that things will start moving along at a good clip. I’ve thought the same thing before. 😉 But keep going! It takes a lot of patience, but it’s worth it if you have something that you really want to share with the world. 🙂


    • Lydia Howe says:

      Yikes! 77 people? I find that to be very impressive! Way to go! I’ve had about 20 people go through one of my books, and I thought that was a lot. Where do you find all the people to go through your chapters?
      Sounds like you must have a great book in the works with so much feedback to work with. Keep up the good work!


    • Lydia Howe says:

      Yes! Sometimes I find it really easy to be sidetracked, but when I keep working at the task in front of me, it really pays off.


  4. Kaddu says:

    Tenacity is important in every sphere of life, be it writing or any other profession, or even our health and relationships. We need to cling on to our dreams.
    I like the sound of the word too. It’s got a positive vibe to it. I wouldn’t mind being called Tenacity! 😛

    Glad to connect with you during this AtoZ, Lydia. Do visit mine sometime.
    Happy blogging!
    Chicky @ http://www.mysteriouskaddu.com

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Thanks for stopping by! And yes, I agree that tenacity is important no matter if you’re a writer or something else. Dreams are hard to accomplish at times, but so often they’re worth all the pain and time that they take.
      Heading over to visit your blog now. 🙂


    • Lydia Howe says:

      Yay! I’m glad my post could be a timely reminder. I just checked out your post, and it was fun to be reminded of a story that I read back about twelve years ago. Thanks for bringing that reminder to me!


    • Lydia Howe says:

      Thank you, and thank you for stopping by! And yes, I agree that tenacity is one of those elements needed to succeed. 🙂


    • Lydia Howe says:

      Ah yes, I hadn’t even thought of the name being too long. My current pets are Scribbles Monticello, Whimsical Ink, Peter Rabbit, and Novel, so I guess I have a strange range of pet names as it is….


  5. miladyronel says:

    The more we write, the more we learn 🙂 I reworked a story in February that I wrote almost a decade ago – the obvious faults were cringe-worthy (head-hopping, structural errors, etc.) and it was scary to think that I thought it was awesome when I first wrote it. Though, I’ll admit, the actual story within the scary writing is still great – it shows that even when I started creating Faerie, I had solid ideas of how it should change and grow. Good luck with your rewriting – I know your novels will be awesome 🙂 Happy A-to-Z-ing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Wow! I can’t even imagine re-working a story that I had written so long ago. Great job with that. That’s great that you knew enough about writing even back then to make it work though. Good job with that!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Bekah says:

    I’m glad you had that tenacity you needed in planning and writing “Echoes” because this book sounds AWESOME and I can’t wait to read it. I give you a thumbs up and a loud cheer! Way to go, Lydia!!!!! 🙂 😉


    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Aww, thank you! I’m having fun with it, and I really appreciate your cheering – especially because even though it’s fun, it can still be daunting at times!


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