(un) Natural Mom By Hettie Brittz – Book Review

It’s a delightful Monday morning, and wonders of all wonders, I plan on being home all week! I’m seriously excited about that, and all that I’ll (hopefully) be accomplishing. This morning has gotten off to a great start, although it’s a good thing I built some leeway into my plans, because yeah… I’m already seeing I’m going to need it.

Today I get to review an interesting book for y’all. I also have three more books awaiting their debut onto Noveltea’s stage. I’m currently reading Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, and although I’m only on page 57, I’m pretty impressed with it. The plan is to review that book on here sometime this weekend. 

And sitting on my desk, just waiting to be picked up, I have The Intercessors Handbook by Jennifer Eivaz, and Rare Leadership by Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder. How’s that for a fantastic sounding to-be-read pile?  This month has been a bit slow-going when it comes to reading. I’ve only read four books, and three of them were ones I had agreed to review. It’s been a good month though, and the plan is to read one or two of the aforementioned books before September comes rushing in. (September! Yay! Autumn and beauty and all sorts of wonderfulness.) 

Now for today’s book review…

(un) Natural Mom
By Hettie Brittz 

Find it on: 

First Person
278 Pages

About the Book (Backcover Blurb):

Do you feel like you’re the only mom who serves store-bought birthday treats, dreads school plays, and misses the days of going to the bathroom by herself?

unNatural Mom gives you permission to say that mothering doesn’t always come naturally to you. Parenting expert and self-proclaimed unnatural mom Hettie Brittz helps you…

  • Recognize how unrealistic our culture’s standards of mothering are
  • Move beyond the myths of “supermom”
  • Complete the Parenting Style Assessment to determine your own parenting style
  • Understand and forgive the mothers who hurt you
  • Embrace your capabilities as well as your challenges

Come find new hope in discovering that every mother has unique gifts. In Christ, the “unnatural” mom becomes the supernatural mom who is just right for her family!

Why I Choose this Book: 

Although I’m obviously not a mother yet, I do have a lot of kids in my life and I’ve found that sometimes it helps me be a better human when I study books like this one. Also, I would like to be a mother one day, so the subject is quite interesting to me. Plus, mothers are just incredibly amazing and I am pretty overwhelmed them, so reading a book by a mother about mothering seemed smart.

What I Thought About this Book:

It was quite interesting. There were many things that didn’t apply to me at this stage in life (duh), but I was surprised at how much I still gleaned from the book. Miss Hettie pretty much created her own “personality system” for mothers, using trees for the different categories. Since I have a fond place in my heart for studying personalities, this book was right up my alley.

Miss Hettie writes with a lot of honesty and some humor. I was happily surprised at her creative way to weave the different personality traits into the book and found myself eager to keep reading. I found areas in life I could relate, even though I don’t have kids of my own, and look forward to hopefully reading this book again down the road if I ever have kids of my own.


Her book was definitely written from the mother-to-mother point of view, and even though there weren’t lots of details, it’s not a book I would hand to a young teenage girl.


I’m giving (un) Natural Mother 4 stars out of 5, and 7 stars out of 10. (The book was close to a 3-star book for me, but I’m fairly certain it would have gotten a solid 4-star review if I was a mother, which is the intended audience, hence the rating.)

*I received this book free from Litfuse in exchange for an honest review*

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