Dear Clara, Happy Birthday

It was 365 days and twelve hours ago when I held you for the first time; you a darling little baby with dark hair and sleepy eyes meeting the world for the first time. I was thrilled to be able hold you and spent the next couple of weeks cuddling you as much as possible. I marveled at you, trying nearly hopelessly to imagine you growing up. How could such a tiny person one day become an adult? 
Even though you didn’t understand what I was saying, I’d sometimes whisper happy stories to you in a singsongy voice, helping you fall asleep. I told you about how your mama is my best friend and how many wonderful times we’ve had together. I dreamed of what it would be like when you were old enough to tag along with us and join in our adventures.  
You weren’t very old when you were dubbed the “Miniature Human” because there were so many times when you seemed completely like a grown up stuck in a newborn’s body. Your eyes held so much intelligence and my phone was soon full of pictures of you. Each new expression, each new achievement, was documented so very throughly by those around you that some day when you’re old enough to understand you’ll probably shake your head at all of us. 
It’s sounds so cliché, but the last year seriously went so fast and yet it almost feels like you’ve always been part of our lives. You’ve filled the world around you with so much joy and happiness that when you enter a room, everyone in it lights up. Smiles break out in your presence and people do seriously silly things to garner a response from you – not that responses are hard to come by, your multitude of facial expressions are freely given. 
The good natured, happy, out-going, excitable, people-loving side of you reminds me of your mama and I’m thrilled that you inherited those traits from her. The cheer that the two of you have spread really does make the world better for those who you’re around. I pray that you never lose the spark and the joy and the wonder as you grow up and learn more about life. 

Clara, I’ve excitedly watched as you’ve reached so many milestones this last year. Your first taste of food (a pickle of course, because your mama likes pickles as much as I do), the first time you rolled over, when you began crawling, when you learned to sit up, standing on your own… We all cheered when you learned how to clap and were endlessly amused by prompting you to do so and watching your tiny hands go back and forth. 
Now you’re walking, learning to feed yourself, giggling with abandon, clearly showing that you have a mind of your own and know what you want. I can hardly compute the toddler you’ve become with the newborn that used to snuggle in my arms. 
This last year has been filled with treks up to your house where I’ve spent wondrous hours visiting with you and your mama, hearing about your milestones, hugging you, reading to you. I get excited each time your mama texts me with a new picture or update. And, even though I see you nearly daily, I pull those pictures and videos up and look at them multiple times because sometimes the hours get long and I miss you even though I’ll be seeing you again soon. 
Clara dearie, I love your mama and daddy and therefore I’d love you even if you were a grumpy little child, yet with your bright happiness it’s no wonder that you tug at the hearts of everyone who comes in contact with you. Thank you for spreading sunshine and making my life so much richer. When you reach your arms out for me or hold on tight instead of going to someone else, it’s an incredible feeling.  
Clara, I’m looking forward to continuing to watch you grow up and see what all you’ll accomplish in another year. Like I told you when you were born, I sincerely hope that one day you have a best friend who is as kind, thoughtful, loving, creative, and amazing as your mama is. I feel so very blessed to have her, and you, in my life. 

I’m looking forward to many hours of reading to you, dancing around with you in my arms, listening to you begin to talk, and making funny faces at you. I’m looking forward to the days when you can help cook and clean and go on long walks and pick flowers and eat ice cream and go creek walking and sing and twirl around.

Yet do you know what? I am completely enchanted with this stage that you’re in right now. You’re growing up at just the perfect rate and I don’t want to miss a day of it. I love you, Clara, and I’m so glad you’re in my life. You and your mama have made my life incredibly richer and I thank God for both of you.

Happy birthday, sweet girl! 

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