What I’ve Been Reading

Since we left home on Friday I’ve been enjoying reading. I think the writing side of my brain called a time out and the reading side of my brain called a free-for-all. 
I’ve focused a good amount of time on my non-fiction reading list: 
I read the last half or so of Love Does by Bob Goff and could barely contain my enthusiasm as I shared story after story with my family and quickly passed the book along to my cousin and sister who are both gobbling the book up. Someday I’ll be reviewing it on here. A total Five Star book. Y’all should go buy it and read it ASAP. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sufficiently rave about this guy. 
I also finished the last third of Getting Things Done by David Allen. I had to read this book for work and unfortunately it’s not really one of those books that meshed well with me. (Translation: I had to crawl my way through it and y’all aren’t going to be seeing a review.) 
I also began Home Run by Kevin Myers and John C. Maxwell. Y’all! It’s amazing. I’m only on page 86 of 217 pages, but I’m really enjoying it. I received this book back in February when I was at the Salt and Light Conference. Mr. Myers gave a talk with the principles that are in the book and then at the end of the session each person got a book. I completely recommend this book and hope to review it for y’all after I’ve finished reading it. 
I also started reading Writing Great Books for Young Adults by Regina Brooks. I’ve read this book (or at least part of it) before, but that was several years ago. I’m currently on page 106 out of 174 pages. It has a lot of really helpful information and I’m trying to immerse myself in books about writing, so I’m very thankful for this book. 

I’ve also read four fiction books (one of them that I’ll be reviewing on here soon) that add up to 1,215 pages of reading. Combine that with the 376 pages of fiction (It really felt like more! I’m always shocked at how much easier it is for me to fly through fiction compared to non-fiction, even though I really do like non-fiction). That adds up to 1,591 pages which is kinda a lot of reading for five days. (About 318 pages a day.)

One reason I took this reading blitz is because I’m still mind-tired from finishing When Life Hands You Lymes. I have been working on plotting my next book though (which is the second book in the Creation Quest series) and I’m hoping to begin writing it today. Thankfully I have a good grasp on what’s going to happen with this story and it should be really easy to turn out. A couple weeks from now I think I’ll be ready to move on to my next project. Excitement.

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What about you? What are some of the books you’ve been reading recently? I’d be delighted to hear!

3 thoughts on “What I’ve Been Reading

  1. Emily Ann Putzke says:

    That's awesome!! I'll have to check out some of these books! I recently read “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” by John Boyne (soooo sad!!) and now I'm reading “Brothers-in-Arms” by Jack Lewis Baillot. Good luck with your next writing project and happy writing!


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