A to Z Challenge Ideas: YOU Pick!

(Attention: Today is the last day to enter this giveaway!) 

I first heard about the A to Z Challenge three years ago soon after I started blogging. I thought it was a fantastic idea and eagerly awaited the next April so I could join in with the challenge. Two years ago I dove in head first and came up gasping with delight. That A to Z Challenge was the first time I ever wrote about Lyme disease on my blog and it was so freeing and hard and a time full of growing for me. Plus, it helped me keep up with Noveltea even though I was off exploring Hawaii.

Last year I was looking forward to joining the challenge again (my theme was mindset), but I ended up having such a crazy month (which I split up between Asia, North America and Europe) that even though I posted for each day of the challenge, I wasn’t able to put as much time and effort into it as I wish I could have. (Bummer!)

This year I’ve been brainstorming on and off for several months about what my theme could be for the Challenge and it hit me yesterday that I could let y’all help me decide! Before we go on though, let me explain to you what the A to Z Challenge is.

Each year thousands of bloggers join together and each blogger picks a theme, then for every day in April (other than Sundays) they blog about their subject, starting out with a word that begins with the letter A and continuing on until they reach Z. (For example for B the first year I picked Battle and for B the second year I picked Believe.)

Most of the time my A to Z Challenge posts will be pretty short (I’ll aim for 200-400 words), and I’ll probably post my regular type posts a couple times a week in addition to the Challenge posts. (Lord willing I’ll be in Aruba for half of the month! I’m so looking forward to getting to share beautiful pictures with you.) That means if you don’t want to read the A to Z Challenge posts, you’ll still be able to keep up with my blog and just ignore those posts. (Really though, the Challenge is SO MUCH FUN!)

So, here are the ideas I’ve thought up:

1. Random story ideas
Y’all, I get more story ideas than I’ll ever be able to use. I thought it would be fun to share some of these crazy and random balloons with you just for the fun of it.

2. Places I want to vist
TRAVELING! If you haven’t noticed, I like to travel. Furthermore, I’ve been blessed to travel a lot. I hope this doesn’t stop any time soon. Therefore I thought it would be pretty interesting to pick 26 different places I’d be delighted to visit and share some of them with you. That way, even if none of us ever make it to those locations, we’ve still had a virtual visit.

3. My dream list 
Ahem. I like lists. I like dreaming. I like imagining what I might be able to do. This month I could add 26 more things to my other dream list and together we could inspire each other do to more amazing, life-changing, fun and adventuresome things.

4. Writing tips
I’m a writer. I’ve been working on the craft for almost half my life now. Of course I don’t know a ton, but every little bit helps, right?

5. Books I enjoy
And of course I’m a reader. This would be like mini reviews/gushing over books I like.

6. If I could spend the day with such-and-such a character
What reader doesn’t dream of meeting some of the characters they’ve gotten to know through a book? If we chose this challenge I’d get to “spend a day” with my choice of character and I’d let you listen in on one of our conversations. That pretty much means you’d have permission to eavesdrop.

7. Other 
Hey! Y’all have great imaginations (right?)! So, why don’t you give me a suggestion?

Now it’s YOUR turn! Please, let me know what your thoughts are!

One thought on “A to Z Challenge Ideas: YOU Pick!

  1. Ally R. says:

    This sounds like so much fun! I'd love to do it, but I don't know if I could handle the stress of having to post nearly every day. I hope you have fun with it though. All of your ideas for themes sound fantastic.


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