February 2015 in Review

What I focused on in February: 

1. Business Conference in Florida 
2. Conference and visiting friends in Georgia 
3. Getting back into rhythm at home

Birthday Challenge:

1. Read 23 Non-fiction books – Read 1 
2. Write 1,000 words for 23 days in a row – I’m at day 15
4. Write 23 book reviews – I wrote 3 

11. Read the Proverb of the day 3 months (not in a row) – Second month completed in February 

13. Go to bed before 10:30 23 times (not in a row) – 3 nights

18. Send/give gifts to 13 random people – Haha, I didn’t even think of it until I saw this, but I guess I did send stuff to 3 people 
23. Write monthly reviews on my blog within 5 days of the end of the month whenever internet is available – Yep.

Dream List: 

Get a bookstore to begin selling my books

Reading Update: 


I was gone 15 nights
Countries & States: Florida (7 nights), Georgia (7 nights), Traveling SC, NC, VA, WV, OH, (1 night) 
New Countries & States: None 

What I’ve been Learning:

Going to the Salt and Light conference in GA was an absolutely amazing experience. I’m excited to be seeing a much bigger picture now; it’s amazing how my world has been expanded. There are people out there who are literally changing where they live and in so doing, they’re effecting millions of lives for the better. 
I also had the huge blessing of talking to a fantastic author who was willing to spend time with me and give me advice. I’ve been learning to be more intentional with my writing time and to stop giving myself excuses. To make the most of my life as an author and keep plugging away. To set timers and goals and push forward. 
Plus, I learned how very, very encouraging and special it is to have someone who really gets it and who is successful with writing take time to help me out and really show an interest in what I’m doing. 
While in GA I learned about being generous. We have amazingly generous friends who we were visiting and every time I see them I learn a little bit more about how huge of a blessing it is to give. 
I’ve also been learning how very difficult it still is to write When Life Hands You Lymes. It’s painful. I thought I had worked through all of my issues with Lyme disease, but obviously I haven’t. I feel so weak when writing the story. Like seriously curl up in a ball and cry. I’m really having to rely on God for this one. Writing this book is one of the hardest things I’ve ever chosen to do. 
I’ve also been learning that I need to change my mindset with writing. I’m still not sure what all this entails. Recently I’ve been feeling like I haven’t done nearly as much with my life and writing as I should have. I know technically I’ve done a fair amount, but it doesn’t feel like it. I’m working on giving myself more grace and just abiding. Sometimes I seem to forget that life is more than just making lists and accomplishing them. I’m not sure if this is a pride issue or just me being an over achiever, but whatever it is, I’m trying to find balance. 
I’ve also been learning that being a writer can make me feel very alone. It’s difficult for me to put my own words into thoughts and readable feelings and to try and explain to someone (or even myself!) what I’m experiencing. I see the world swirling around me with everyone I know having a co-worker or friend with a job like their own. Not knowing anyone who’s at the same place in their writing career as me has been hard. 
One last thing I’ve been learning is that God really does understand and help. I mean, technically I’ve known that for a long time, but I’ve been seeing it first hand. There have been several times when I’ve been crying and have told Him something that would help me, and then next thing I know, I’m getting to do what I’d just been telling Him about. It helps remind me that I’m very loved and cared for. 

Other Things: 

Arriving home after being gone for 35 days was really nice indeed. Having my clean office and well-taken-care-of pets waiting for me made me really happy. 
Getting to spend time with my best friend who is expecting her first child has been a highlight of the last two weeks. I’m so glad they live close by and I missed them when I was gone. 
It’s spectacular how much snow we’ve had. Last year I missed a lot of winter with being in FL, TN and Asia, so to only miss a little over a month of it this year has been pretty cool. I’m enjoying all the snow, frosty weather and memory-making winter activities. Two of my sisters and I even headed out one cold, snowy afternoon to capture some pictures with the delightful backdrop of white. 
We also have puppies that are ready to find new homes, so if you’re interested in buying one of the cute little bundles of love, you can email me at: aidylewoh@gmail.com for more info. 
After thinking about it for a while I had fun taking part in the Top Ten Tuesday link-up for the first time and hope to continue doing them. And don’t forget to fill out the survey to help make Noveltea a better blog. Thanks! 

4 thoughts on “February 2015 in Review

  1. Aidyl Ewoh says:

    Thank you, Adriana! February was a crazy month and I'm not quite sure what March holds yet. So far I have no plans for traveling until April, so that's pretty unusual for me. Enjoying it!


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