Today I’m Thankful for…

*Delightful, crisp, cool Autumn 
*Calming music 
*The baby blanket I’m making for a friend 
 *My sweet dog who keeps me company when I write

*Delicious coffee in my beautiful hand-crafted mug 

*Glorious September mornings
*The ability to learn
*Forgiving sisters

*A clean house
*A very wise, supportive cousin
*Late night sister time

*Getting my thousands of pictures off of my broken phone, on to my computer, and then onto my hard drive

*Good books that inspire me
*Darling little huggable cousins 
*An understanding Mom
*A grace-giving God 
*Peace through change
*Stuffed animals

*The awesome ability/responsibility to pray

*Chasing the sunset with family

*Chili and cornbread 
*Cutting grass
*Gum balls and a generous dad
I would be delighted to hear what you’re thankful for, today! 

9 thoughts on “Today I’m Thankful for…

  1. Hannah Mary says:

    This is lovely! It's always really good to take a minute to think about all the things we have to be thankful for. Today, I'm really thankful for fruit tea. It's so good when you have a sore throat 🙂


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