Z is for Zeal

For the A to Z challenge this year, I’m posting about one of my favorite things: Living the life you were born to live. I’ve been so blessed with a family that constantly encourages me and builds me up and I want to pass that along to y’all! I’ll be traveling a lot during the month, so some of the posts are scheduled ahead of time and answering comments might take some time. I’ll try and keep up though. Thanks for stopping by! 

Z is for Zeal… 

Zeal means “great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective”. Ask anyone who knows me, I zealous. I can hardly hold in my enthusiasm when it comes to the things I’m passionate about in life. I know I was born for a reason, that I have purpose. 

One of the things that I’m very zealous about is helping others to learn that about themselves. I want those who I come in contact with to be able to walk away saying “Wow, God has an amazing plan for my life. I can make a difference!” Because it’s true. Each and every person was born for a reason. None of us are mistakes. Each of us have the ability to do great things through Christ. 

With that in mind, why don’t you go out and live the life God created you for and live it with a zeal that will leave people wanting to live their life with purpose, too! 

Thanks y’all for doing this challenge with me! It’s been fun. 🙂 

3 thoughts on “Z is for Zeal

  1. Bekah says:

    Wow. I can't believe the A-Z challenge is over! It was really fun reading all of your posts. 🙂 Perhaps I'll do it next year….we'll see. 🙂

    Have a great day!

    His Princess,


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