Q is for Quotes

For the A to Z challenge this year, I’m posting about one of my favorite things: Living the life you were born to live. I’ve been so blessed with a family that constantly encourages me and builds me up and I want to pass that along to y’all! I’ll be traveling a lot during the month, so some of the posts are scheduled ahead of time and answering comments might take some time. I’ll try and keep up though. Thanks for stopping by! 

Q is for Quotes 

Do you know what’s really cool about living at this time period? We’ve have more time to look back on then any other generation has had. That means we can learn from more people then anyone else in history. 

Throughout this A to Z challenge, I’ve quoted a lot of people. The person I’ve quoted most is my dad (and I don’t always tell y’all when I’m quoting him :). My dad in turn, quotes lots of other people. None of us alone can know as much as all of us together. 

Instead of trying to figure out everything I need to know on my own (which is totally impossible) I love to learn from others and get inspired by others. When I’m needing a boost with my writing, I’ll often look up quotes by other writers. Quotes can be a great tool for teaching and inspiring, so why not look some up for yourself? 

What are some of y’all’s favorite quotes? I’d be delighted to see them! 

4 thoughts on “Q is for Quotes

  1. Bekah says:

    One quote that I recently found, though it's really a prayer, is: “Lord if it's not Your will, let it slip through my grasp and give me the peace not to worry about it.” –Tory A. Gaskins Jr. (I don't know anything about the author, I just liked the quote. 🙂 )

    His Princess,


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