D is for Dedication

For the A to Z challenge this year, I’m posting about one of my favorite things: Living the life you were born to live. I’ve been so blessed with a family that constantly encourages me and builds me up and I want to pass that along to y’all! I’ll be traveling a lot during the month, so some of the posts are scheduled ahead of time and answering comments might take some time. I’ll try and keep up though. Thanks for stopping by! 

D is for Dedication and Determination and Discipline and… 

This lovely post was written February 15th, in the car with my sister, Helena, my brother Moses, and my dad as we were driving home from Florida. It’s 10:30 at night and we’ve been driving for a while, so we’re kinda a little crazy… Still, the advice is good. Just filled with lots of ‘ds’. See how many you can count. 🙂  

If you want to be successful, you have to be dedicated. You have to have determination. You have to have discipline. You have to have ‘daring courage’. Above all, you have to Do it now. Do it, do it, do it. Anyone can talk about success, but it takes drive to actually Do it. 

Put to death all the dread and dare to dream. Don’t let anything hold you back; you need to dump your past and dive into your future. Don’t let people dampen your dreams. 🙂 

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