Walking // Beautiful Florida

I’ve been walking a lot during the past few weeks. Actually, I pretty much walk a lot any time I’m not home, because finding a swing set while traveling isn’t easy and my two ways to ‘faux swing’ are 1) Riding in the car with the windows down and my head sticking out and 2) Walking.

There’s a rainbow, right in the middle of the picture, although it doesn’t show up very well . 

Recently I’ve even been walking at home, trying to build up my endurance. Walking is so great! I get so many great ideas, it’s like Brainstorm Haven for me. 🙂 Mostly I take about one and a half or two mile walks. These past few days I wanted to increase that though. (Just for my stay at my grandma’s.) My goal was three miles a day. This is what it ended up being (and this is only the walks I went on where I tracked it, not every-day walking):

Thursday – 3 miles
Friday – 4 miles
Saturday – 4 miles
Sunday – 6
Monday – 5 miles
Several of the days were all wet and rainy, and I didn’t get many pictures, but then on the bright sunny days, I took the time to snap a few. Therefore, I thought today I’d keep it nice and simple and just share some pictures with you. Enjoy!

So much blue, green and gray. It’s like a whole symphony of shades. Isn’t it amazingly pretty? 
Oh yes, and I got to swing for a few minutes at a park we went to yesterday. 
It was lovely. I even got to take my little niece for a ride. 

What about you, do you like walking? 

6 thoughts on “Walking // Beautiful Florida

  1. David Mabe says:

    It looks like you're still having a nice time in the Sunshine State. Is that you looking through the telescope? I do like walking, but not so much right now. It's been cold, wet, and rainy here in East Texas for the last week with intermittent days of sunshine and warmth. That's one of the reasons I love going to the Creation Museum every year. I love walking through the garden. I'd love to just sit out there with my guitar and see what songs are inspired.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Your dresses are very sweet and pretty. 🙂 I love walking as well! We have a tractor path that winds up a hill and over beyond our house. It's a mile back and forth, so not super long, but I love to walk it and occasionally run it in the Spring, Summer and Fall. 🙂 I should try a winter walk… Keep having fun down there!



  3. Leah K. Oxendine says:

    Lovely pictures! I walk all the time – and particularly enjoy hiking and running. As I'm sure you've been seeing, FL is great for all these things! 🙂



  4. Sarah Rudolph says:

    I like walking. I like it best when I can walk with other people though, not often by myself unless I'm talking on the phone. =)
    Good job for you walking 6 miles one day! I really like the first picture on this post!



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