
This morning is beautiful and filled with promise. It was fog-filled and just the right temperate. Can you believe it’s already September? September, y’all! Do you realize this is the beginning of my very favorite time of the year? Autumn makes me want to laugh and sing and dance and throw on a sweater and run barefoot through falling leaves. 
It makes my heart happy and gives me hope for new beginnings. It makes me want to curl up on a big, overstuffed chair and read a sweet book while slowly drinking white hot chocolate. It inspires me to write. It makes me want to plan, make goals, and accomplish great things with my life. 

It makes memories come flooding back from previous years, and I wonder yet again how people who don’t experience autumn can feel as if they’ve really lived. Turtle-neck shirts and heavier clothing come tumbling out of drawers where they’ve stayed hidden for the summer months and I relish layering them on. 

I sigh in delight so many times at the swirling, beautiful colors. I randomly squeal with joy. I grab my siblings in un-expected and un-planned hugs. I simmer large pots of chili on the stove from early morning until lunch time then serve the meal on autumn-colored tablecloths. 

::all pictures were taken last autumn::
What about you? What do you look forward to about the next couple of months? 
Y’all just got a peek into what I do when I’m down and not feeling well. There’s been some sort of sickness going around my family and I’ve not been feeling well and have been in a horrible mood. This ^, y’all is what I do to help me look on the bright side of life.  
(Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. – Philippians 4:8)

6 thoughts on “September!

  1. Aidyl Ewoh says:

    Wow, Sarah… How sad. I hope we have the most gorgeous autumn this year and that it will last long enough for you to fully enjoy! I'm excited about seeing you. Maybe we can take a long autumn walk. =)


  2. Anonymous says:

    Oh these are so beautiful. I love Autumn as well, and it puts me in such a writing mood. When I'm outdoors in the fall, it's just good to be ALIVE!



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