Mega Conference // Adopted Parents

Goodness! I haven’t been very active on here, have I? I don’t know if y’all remember, but I’m at the Mega Answers Conference. I thought I’d be posting on here each day about the day before, but in reality when I get back to the hotel room, I’m ready to just fall into bed. We don’t have to get there as early this morning because my adopted Dad isn’t doing the opening, so we don’t have to do sound checks and all before it begins, so I thought I’d give y’all an update. =) 
Before that though, someone asked in a comment for me to explain what I mean when I say “Adopted parents” and since I kinda lost track of where the comment is (I never saw it on the blog, just my gmail), and I also figured there are probably more of y’all wondering the same thing, I thought I’d try to give you a quick explanation (key word here: try): 
Legally, my adopted parents and I aren’t related. Other than that though, they are my second set of parents. Confusing, right? I met them at a conference a while ago and due to several circumstances, we got to know each other quite well (they only live about an hour and a half away from us). Really, the only thing I can say to explain the whole situation is that it’s a God thing. I call them “dad” and “mom” and they tell everyone that I’m their daughter. And we treat each other as such. 
So, yes, I have two families. In one family (the one I was born into) I’m one of ten children. In my other family (the one I was adopted into) I am an only child. Big differences there. =) I live with my original family, and they are amazing, yet I travel with and talk a lot and write with my second family, and they are amazing as well. 
Alrighty. Hopefully that explains it a little bit better. Feel free to ask any questions you might have, and while it may take me a few days to get back with the answers, I’ll do my best! 

The conference. Seriously, it’s sooo, sooo cool. It’s actually the first full conference I’ve been at with just my adopted parents, so I’m pretty excited about that. And not only that, but it’s the first conference where my newly released book is being sold. I’m ecstatic about that!
It’s so neat having people come up wanting me to sign my book, and wanting to get their picture taken with me and wanting to talk to me. I’m like “Who, me?” I actually did say that once and the person told me “Yes, you have a book published now. You’re going to be famous!” or something like that. He was kinda teasing me though because of how surprised I was. (I was standing next to my adopted dad, and most people who come over want to talk to him, that’s why I was so astonished.) 
Speaking of my dad having people want to talk with him… 

He generally has a group of people standing around him wanting to talk with him or else sign stuff. It’s pretty fun. A lot of kids who love his movies and CD’s and come up with pictures they’ve drawn of him. I think it’s very sweet.

Goodness, this is getting to be quite the long post! I’ll go in just a minute… =) Yesterday we drove up into the mountains during a break. It was really beautiful. We even got to see a wild black bear! Ok, so in reality we saw a little bit of something black in a tree, and there were people all around (which seemed rather stupid to me with how close they were getting) and they told us it was a bear. We never got a good view of it, but it was cool nonetheless.

::me in the mountains::
So, have any of you ever been to an Answers in Genesis conference? You should really go! They’re amazing. (I’ll tell you more about the actual conference at a later time.)

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