D is for Diet

{My A to Z Challenge for 2013 has the cool theme of being chronically ill. It’s going to be fun, so stick around! 

D is for Diet

A lot of the past six years I have been on one kind of ‘diet’ or another for my health. Recently I started on the most strict diet I’ve been on so far (which I’ll be doing at least for six months, probably longer). Mostly I eat veggies (lots of raw ones!), and berries, eggs, some nuts, seeds and low-fat meats. Every once in a while I get some dairy products. 
Excluded are things like sugar (and substitutes, except for Stevia), grains -rice, corn, wheat, oats, etc…, beans, peas, peanut-butter, potatoes, most fruits, anything processed (which means no salad dressings, although I do eat mustard), etc.. At first it was hard. No bread, pretzels, corn chips, pizza, chili, stir-fried rice… No mashed potatoes, butter, cereal, cheese sticks…
After the first few days, though, it got to be a lot of fun. It’s a challenge. I like challenges! And with my family behind me and joining in, we began to make some fun meals. Here are some pictures, don’t they look good?

When ‘weaning’ myself from salad dressing I ate lots of lemon and lime juice.
Now I still like it, but I like plain salad and veggies, too. 

(Those ‘noodles’ are really spaghetti squash)

 Do you consider your eating habits to be healthy? What are some of your favorite foods? 

2 thoughts on “D is for Diet

  1. Anonymous says:

    Yummy! Those look great. I avoid all grains (except for certain low carb kinds) sugar, processed food, excess fruit or dairy. I can't always manage it perfectly but I try ! 🙂



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