Betsy St. Amant Interview

Guess what! I’ve got a treat for y’all today. Betsy St. Amant is with me today to tell us all a little bit about the writing world from a published author’s viewpoint. (You can find out more about her here and here.)
This past December I won one of her books in a giveaway. Unfortunately, I took a break from reading fiction between the time that I entered the giveaway and when I won it… So, I haven’t read the book yet. It looks very interesting though, and it’s very close to the top of my ‘books to read’ list when I get back into the ‘fictional swing’. Why don’t you check it out? And yes, I did have to hide the book out of sight so that it wouldn’t be tempting me all the time. ๐Ÿ˜‰
So, on to the interview now. And thank you so much, Miss Betsy for sharing some of your time with us!
First off, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Sure! I’m turning 29 in March, and have been writing since I was 7 years old. I’m married to a fireman and have a four year old daughter, and write while also working part-time at a water company and freelancing for my local newspaper. I also have an editing/critique service on the side, listhostess for a giant writer’s group American Christian Fiction Writers ( – best writer’s group ever!) and blog regularly in multiple places! I’m a busy girl ๐Ÿ™‚
How old were you when you started writing? How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a writer?
I was about 7 years old when I started writing, I used to compose short stories on our first home computer. I remember that old dinosaur contraption so vividly! I wrote off and on for years, short stories, essays, articles and poems, then got serious about writing for publication in fiction when I turned 18.
What is the hardest part of the writing process for you?
External plotting! I am naturally a plotter, don’t like to write spontaneously. I can easily plan the novel overall but I often have trouble with raising the stakes, with the external plotting, because I’m SUCH a character-driven writer. I easily know right away what my characters internal struggles are, and their faith journeys and their hearts, but am less certain about the actual plot of the book – what’s happening to or around the character. lol That’s where my brainstorming buddies come in so handy.
What would you consider the most fun part of the writing process?
The moments when you look back and realize you wove a thread throughout your entire story that you didn’t even necessarily mean to, but it works SO perfectly at the end together. Or that moment when you write something so deep and profound or inspiring that you know it didn’t come from you, but rather from the Holy Spirit through you. THAT is why I write.
Where and who do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration from other novels, in the sense that I read and am moved and am then inspired to move my readers in that same way. To give them that same gift from the Lord.
What are some tips you would give to young aspiring writers?
Never give up. KEEP writing. Keep trying. If you never submit and fail and submit again, you’ll never reach your goals of publication. ๐Ÿ™‚ And if publication isn’t your goal but you still love to write, the same rule applies. KEEP GOING. Don’t let your writer’s heart grow stale. Also, if you are serious about publication, make a plan to attend writer’s conferences. This is the best avenue for meeting agents and editors face to face and showing them how serious you are about your dreams. It makes all the difference! ๐Ÿ™‚ ( has an amazing yearly conference that has all the top editors/agents in the industry)

Thank you again! I can’t wait to check out the ACFW website!

5 thoughts on “Betsy St. Amant Interview

  1. Anonymous says:

    Very interesting interview! Never read any of her books, but have seen them around. You'll have to give us a review when you get to reading it! ๐Ÿ™‚



  2. Robin says:

    Great interview-esp. about never giving up. At my 1st writers conf. (WIFYR) Emily Wing Smith told the class that if you don't give up, you will publish eventually, but that most people quit. It took her 7 years to publish.


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