B is for Backstory – #AtoZChallenge

Welcome to the A to Z Challenge. This year I’m blogging about the Behind the Scenes for the Echoes Trilogy – a story a started writing about six years ago.

A2Z-BADGE-100 [2017]

B is for Backstory.

Yesterday I filmed a quick vlog that explains the “behind the scenes” of where I’ve gotten most of the backstory for the Echoes books.

I’m currently fighting off a cold (I would say dueling with a cold, but I don’t think that’s quite accurate because no deadly weapons are being used), so therefore my voice sounds a slight bit different in the vlog.


Click here to watch the vlog on Youtube. 

What about you? Have you ever worked hard on a book (or any other project) then realized it just wasn’t going to go anywhere?

24 thoughts on “B is for Backstory – #AtoZChallenge

    • aidylewoh says:

      But hey! You’re writing, and that’s pretty great. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your writing via your blog with the rest of the world!


  1. mhsusannematthews says:

    As a writer, I have certainly written myself into a corner now and then, when that happens, I go all the way back to the beginning and edit my way back to where i was, usually fixing the problem in the process. It’s a frustrating thing at times, but in the end, it works. Such is one of the pitfalls of being a “by the seat of my pants” writer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • aidylewoh says:

      Ah yes, I’ve had that issue, too. I’m a mixture of a plotter and panster. I always write a plot, but I generally feel pretty free to deviate from it, too.
      Thanks for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. kerbent says:

    I’m always working hard on something and one day I hope it will all culminate in a book! kudos to you for managing to pull one together so young, and then continuing to work on your craft.
    Dropping by from the A to Z Challenge
    My entry for B Booths Poverty maps http://ancestralresearchjournal.blogspot.com.au/2017/04/a-to-z-challenge-b-is-booths-poverty.html

    Sandra, Aspiring family historian, fellow participant in the #AtoZchallenge from Sandra’s Research Journal

    Liked by 1 person

    • aidylewoh says:

      Yay for hard work! I hope you have success with your endeavors.
      Thank you, I appreciate your kind words. I’ve had a lot of fun with writing over the years, but a lot of not-so-fun times, too. 😉


  3. Phillip says:

    Oh, yes, been there. I was writing a scientific paper and my advisor told me the latest version was worse than the previous. I told him, “I know, I’m just revising a piece of junk, so it’s still a piece of junk.” I ended up starting from scratch and it worked out in the end.

    Phillip | B is for banana

    Liked by 1 person

    • aidylewoh says:

      Well, I hadn’t thought of it that way, but that’s a really good way to look at it when you have to start over with something. I’ve had some projects like that. Good for you to figuring out how to get a paper that worked!


  4. Donna Smith says:

    Someday I’d like to write a novel in verse, but I have to get my ideas in place somewhat. I’m not as good at long pieces. Novels are not my forte. Sounds like you are having fun!
    Thanks for your visit today! PS Finished my breakfast – yummy!
    Donna Smith
    Mainely Write

    Liked by 1 person

    • aidylewoh says:

      Wow, a whole novel in verse would be an amazing amount of work! Just writing a whole novel takes tons of work, in and of itself. I can’t even imagine doing it in verse.


  5. Claire says:

    I loved your vlog! For the record, I really liked “Dusk,” and love having it on my bookshelf. 🙂 It’s awesome that you can use it for reference for the Echoes series – who knows, you could always market the Dusk books as prequels one day. I also find it really inspiring that you’ve been working on the Echoes series since you were sixteen! I would love to read it one day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • aidylewoh says:

      Awwww! You are SO sweet! Thank you SO much for your encouragement! =) I’m quite happy indeed to hear that you liked “Dusk.” I think I would like to rewrite that series one day as a prequel series, but it will take a TON of work. 😉
      And yay! I’m looking forward to the day when you’ll get to read the Echoes series! People like you make writing feel so much more worth while. =)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Amen to that!
      And nice, Castles are a great word for “C.” I’m off to check out your post now. Thanks for stopping by!


  6. Cathy Kennedy says:

    Lydia, What a beautiful corridor! I love the stone and arches!! Yes, I’ve worked on a couple of book ideas to only get stuck and put them away never to see them again. I haven’t given up on them entirely but I need a hard shove to get back into writing again. Be sure to drop by for a look at the letter “D” (dogs)in my A2Z series, Art Sketching through the Alphabet! Happy a2zing, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Ah yes! Getting stuck is something I know a lot about. With this series, I actually wrote the first (partial) draft to one of the books, then put it away for several years before writing a totally different draft of the same story. =)


  7. Bekah says:

    I love how you told how you came up with the “Echoes Series” by doing a vlog! I LOVE using previous characters that I wrote about in a new book. I read “Dusk” that you sent me and I did like it, so I’m looking forward to reading these books that are set in the same “world”. 🙂



    • Lydia Howe says:

      Aww! Thank you! I’m so glad you liked that idea! I’m trying to learn how to vlog more about things other than goals, but sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to narrow down the information that I want to include in the vlog.
      And oh yes! I forgot that I had sent you “Dusk.” I’m looking forward to you reading the “Echoes” series, too!


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