Oh Hey, Yeah, I’m Still Alive

The routines in my life have undergone some big changes recently, and it feels like I’m laughing and stumbling along, trying to catch up. I’ve finally decided that catching up might not be a reasonable expectation, so giving myself abundant amounts of grace and the permission to let some things slide in order to focus on the most important things has been exceedingly helpful.

Unfortunately, one of the things that has “slid” recently has been blogging. Not only have I missed spending time with y’all online, and processing my thoughts through writing, but I’ve had to contact publishers because for the first time in history I’ve missed review deadlines by a longshot. #oops

This is mostly because of health problems some of my family members were dealing with. As y’all know I’m currently living in Kentucky, about four hours away from the rest of my family… But, for over a month I was traversing that drive once a week to help out at home before zooming back to Kentucky for another full work week. The schedule I was keeping was a bit more intense than what I’m used to (including working overtime during a four-day workweek multiple weeks in a row), hence my absence from here.

Thankfully, the publishing companies were kind and full of grace, offering me extensions as needed. Even more wonderful is the news that my family is doing a lot better and although I’ll be visiting them of course, they don’t need my help like before.


That delightful news means I can finally sit down with my computer and try to catch up on life. A July Review is probably not going to happen, because let’s be real – that month has been lost in the haze between June and August. But! I do have some great reviews ready to grace the keyboards of my laptop. (The same laptop that I’ve barely touched for the last six weeks.)

So, what books do you get to look forward to being reviewed in the near future? (Maybe this week if I can stay on top of things…)

Until the Mountains Fall by Connilyn Cossette
Exhale by Amy Carroll and Cheri Gregory
The Cranky Mom Fix by Becky Kopitzke
The Most Important Stories of the Bible by Christopher D. Hudson and Stan Campbell

I’ve already read the first three books, and I’m nearly halfway done with the fourth. (Because let’s be real, even when I don’t have the brainpower to pull out the computer and write, reading still happens.) I would give y’all a little blurb about each of the books, but that would kinda spoil my review, and who wants that?

In addition to the bookish part of my life, I’ve also been having fun trying a few new things this month. One of my most fun “living on my own” experiments this month is trying to figure out how to spend the least amount of money while still eating healthily. So far this has included a lot of relief at not having to decide if I should buy a certain item or not because I just don’t unless it’s something I really need. (And yo, asparagus and lettuce are apparently justifiable necessities in my life.) Also, this has been a great way for me to get into the mode of cleaning out my freezer and pantry. Who knew so much food could accumulate in just a couple of months?

When it comes to work, I’ve been enjoying it so thoroughly that I regularly ask if I can stay late which is generally answered somewhere along the lines of: “Nope, go sleep.” Huh, my mom would be very proud of my mangers, especially considering the fact that they’re totally correct and by the time I actually do get home I’m often too tired to do anything except slump onto the couch. It’s just when I’m at work, I’m riding on the high of doing something that I am passionate about, know makes a difference, and am surrounded by amazing people, so who would want to to leave that?

Even on my last day off after sleeping for twelve hours (it had been a long couple of weeks), I headed back to work just to walk around a bit. (Cause y’all, we have amazing gardens to walk through and who wouldn’t want that?) One of my coworkers inquired if I was always at work because I “Didn’t have any other life” to which I replied that was probably the case… But with such a great work-life, it’s kinda hard to see the need to get involved with something else, ya know?

This week is the last one that the Museum is open late for the summer, so I have all late shifts. That means I leave home after 10:00 each morning, instead of around 8:30. Hence the beauty of catching up on blogging, restful mornings, and attempting to sleep in. Also, I’m delighting in the luxury of having a second mug of coffee this morning, and who wouldn’t be excited about that?

In addition to the book reviews coming up, I have a list of blog post ideas rumbling around in my brain including:
– Explaining what Fair Trade is (per the request of one of my blog readers)
– My plans for the rest of the year
– An update on my writing (or lack thereof)
– A list of the best books I’ve read this year (aka, recommendations)
– A tour of my lovely little camper
– A break down of what all I buy in August (aka, how much living on my own does or does not cost me)
– Attempting to take Instagram Book pictures while in Kentucky, instead of back in my little picture-taking studio. (Seriously, I’m not sure how to do this.)
– A Q&A post if y’all end up having any specific questions about my new life in Kentucky

And there you have it folks, one of those long, rambly, lifeish posts where I throw scads of information at you. If any of these blog post ideas look particuarlly interesting to you, please let me know and I’ll try and make sure I cover them.

Thank you so much for everyone who comments on my posts – either on the blog itself or directly to me. Y’all make me so happy with your encouragment, how you take an interest in my life, and the help you offer me.

Blessings to you all!

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