Moving {Grand New Adventure, Here I Come}


I’ve had a dream for a long time.

That dream consists of working at the Creation Museum.

I’ve also had another dream – one that might possibly be considered childish and silly, but I’ve dreamt it for a long time nonetheless.

That dream consists of living in a camper. (I know, reaching for the stars there, buddy.)

This summer, Lord willing, both dreams are going to come true.

The story to how this happened is long and rather amazing to me, but probably pretty boring to the general population. It includes a lot of prayer, a lot of surprises, jumping clear outside my comfort zone, and tons of behind the scenes work. It’s been characterized by a large amount of craziness, unexpected reactions, and me kinda freaking out many, many times.


See, I’m a homebody. I like to be at home. I like the comfortable and normal and traditions that continue year after year without much variation. I’m a happy, content, loyal type of human.

And then, suddenly I wasn’t anymore. And it surprised me and was somewhat horrifying and totally confusing. Until I realized that it wasn’t that I had changed, instead it was God was showing me it was time for something new.


My first reaction was that it would never work. But then some wise people asked me why not? So I talked to some other people about it, and they cited the same reasons why it wouldn’t work as I had first told myself, so I, in turn, asked them why not? And guess what, they agreed with me, Why Not? And thus started a bunch of exceedingly out-of-the-comfort-zone situations for little ol’ me.

And those situations ended with me telling my current boss I was going to be leaving (at least for the summer, who knows after that?), and signing on for a new job. It’s been exciting and overwhelming and thrilling and exhausting all at once.

So, Lord willing one month from today I’ll be heading to Mexico for vacation with my family, then the same day that we get home, I’ll be packing my car up and moving to Kentucky.

That’s a big reason why writing has been on hold for the last month. First, there were job interviews and trying to work out all the logistics. Then came the yeses, so my time has been rather busy with cleaning the camper I’m going to be taking, making lists of things to do, shopping for the camper. (Dishes, curtains, pots, and pans. You name it, we got it.)

There’s also the little matter of finding people to take over what I’ve been doing at home. At work, we have a new girl (and another one coming aboard soon), and it’s fun to get to work with the newbies, reminding myself that I’ll be the new girl soon. And at church, we’ve been working at finding new people to step in with teaching children’s church. I’ve had a delightful time hanging out with those kids for the last fifteen months, and so I’m trying to help the new teachers ease in as seamlessly as possible. Plus, at both my jobs I currently have we’ve had co-workers that I’m close to also leave, so all the goodbyes and going-aways have been tough, but exciting as I know they’re launching into their new dreams.

So that’s it for today, folks.

Except for one more thing: Y’all should totally come visit me at the Creation Museum this summer! 😉

12 thoughts on “Moving {Grand New Adventure, Here I Come}

  1. Zane Jones says:

    That is so awesome, Lydia!! I’ve never been to the creation museum but I hope to someday! I hope it’s a great experience for you and please post updates if you can 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Claire says:

    I’ve always wanted to live in a camper, how super awesome!!! If you feel like giving a vlog tour or blogging about it I would be super thrilled! That is, if you’re not too busy with all your amazing new adventures. I hope everything goes smoothly. Good for you taking that leap of faith!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Yes! I want to do that. 🙂 I also want to post about it on my Instagram story. I haven’t done a good job getting pictures and videos as I clean it, but that stuff isn’t too exciting anyway. 😉


  3. CutePolarBear says:

    That’s so exciting! Now I REALLY want to visit the Creation Museum this Summer. 😉 My teacher sister is bringing her class there before school is out, so I probably can’t tell her to go find you. As for the idea of actually having a job, I always thought the Creation Museum was a good choice. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Oh bummer! I wish it was after I was already starting to work, because it would have been cool to meet her. You should totally come this summer! That would be a lot of fun. Make sure you let me know if you do come so I can be on the lookout for you. 🙂 It would be great to meet in person!


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