The List

The early morning is chilly as I turn off the fan in the window and climb out of bed. There’s so much to do. So much to do.

In my head, I start categorizing all that’s on my plate for the day. Then I sigh. There’s really not time for a run today, is there? I turn the audio Bible on and start listening, trying to push away my mental list for the day that seems to be growing by the moment. After my devotions, I make my bed (it’s still weird for me to wake up in a bed after not regularly sleeping in one for about six years), my mind going haywire with organizing and prioritizing. Nope. No time for a run today. Or, even if I do have the time, I need to devote my energy to other things. More important things.

Then I stop.

This, this is my health I’m thinking about. This is me staying fit and active. This isn’t just so I can check something off my list. This isn’t just so I can look more fit and trim (although I must admit that does play a big factor in the equation). This isn’t just anything. This is me taking care of my body that I’m going to be living in the rest of my life.


Recently I’ve been eating super well. Trying to get a reasonable amount of sleep (at least most of the time). Working on limiting my caffeine intake. And, in the midst of everything else, working at training for a half marathon.

Sometimes I feel like it was a bad idea to sign up for the half marathon for this year. I mean, if I could have predicted the future and what all was going to happen in 2018 I probably wouldn’t have. But I can’t, so I did sign up.

But I didn’t just sign up for the thrill of running a half marathon. I didn’t just sign up so I could cross it off my dream list (been there, done that). I signed up mainly because I knew it would help me get into shape – because it would give me the push I needed to start eating right and paying attention to my body and exercise more. And for a few weeks back when I first signed up, it did. I was going strong and it was exciting. Then I fell by the wayside and stopped caring so much. I told myself that there was still enough time and I didn’t really need to work on it yet.

And that was partly true. But now a lot of time has passed and it is time to get serious. Not just for the half marathon, but with my health overall.

So, despite my long list, I plop a ballcap on my head, tennis shoes on my feet, and head down the road.

It’s a beautiful morning. The air chills, the dew sparkles, and the world is alive.

My checklist is still just as long when I get back to the house after one good mile and one so-so mile, but somehow, well, it doesn’t seem quite as overwhelming anymore.

4 thoughts on “The List

  1. Keturah Lamb says:

    So good! Amidst my hectic schedule I’ll often want to just not go on a walk, but I always know I feel better afterward. So worth doing! And I find in the end everything I need to do gets done anyways ;D

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Haha, I think I’m going to have to re-read this post over the summer to remind me of what I said. 😉 It’s so much easier putting things like this off when life gets crazy. Good job for doing it cause you know you’ll feel better later!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Bekah says:

    Sometimes it IS hard to fit exercise into my busy schedule, or I just feel too tired to go on a little walk, but I always feel better when I just get up and do it. And in the end, I think it gives me more energy to accomplish the tasks ahead.

    Go YOU! I’m proud of you for choosing to get out and exercise when you didn’t necessarily want to.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Thank you! 🙂 It’s something I kinda have to work on a lot. 😉 Good for you for choosing to do it even when it’s hard. And yeah, I agree, in the long run it really does make me feel better. (No pun intended. ;))

      Liked by 1 person

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