Books, Books, Books!

It was yesterday after a long day at work and a two mile jog on my way home that I settled down to read a book for review. I have two of them that need to be read in the next week – both look interesting and but both are nonfiction. And yesterday? Well, I felt like an easy-breezy summer-read-ie. (Yeah, folks, that sounded a lot better in my head then it looks on paper.)


Then I realized I had a whole stack of books from the library.

And three more books for review that I’ve barely even paged through.

And three more book packages I haven’t even opened.

And several Kindle books – including one for review – that were just waiting for me.

And then I remembered Kindle Unlimited.

They’d sent me a great offer via email: Two whole months of Kindle Unlimited for only $0.99. And who could pass that up? So, I also had a gigantic amount of nearly unlimited books on Amazon that I could read for “free.” So I settled down with a Kindle Unlimited book and enjoyed a peaceful evening with reading.

I’m so thankful for the wide verity of books I have to choose from when I want to read, but it also made me realize how many books EVERYONE has to choose from, and therefore how hard it is to get my books to stand out in a crowd.

So! Question(s) of the day: What makes a book stand out to you? What makes you pick up a book and read it? The Cover? The Blurb? I’d be delighted to hear and learn from you.

What I Listened To While Blogging:
Where I Blogged:
In the living room
Fun Fact:
All swans in England belong to the queen.

8 thoughts on “Books, Books, Books!

  1. Grace H. says:

    Yes, I can’t believe how many books there are in just the Christian genre alone, let alone all of the books in the world!!!!
    The thing that first makes me pick up a book is the cover, and then I check the back cover blurb and the title. And then before deciding it’s worth my reading I’ll often read the table of contents and/or flip through a few random pages, and if I see bad words or siblings randomly arguing in a way that doesn’t seem to contribute to the plot and more seems to be there because ‘that’s what siblings do’ it’s an IMMEDIATE turnoff for me.
    These are questions my brother considered when he was writing his book that he recently published. I’m actually having a giveaway of two of his books right now on my blog:!-Daniels-book-More-than-Conquerors

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Oh! That sounds great. Thank you for telling me about the giveaway. 🙂 I’m going to go check it out now.
      And yes, the cover, blurb, and title all play a big part in if I choose a book or not, but it’s amazing to me how much more goes into it. I mean, for me at least I also like to read the first few chapters, sometimes read reviews, look at recommendations, that type of thing.


  2. Tarissa says:

    Definitely the cover reels me into a book, and also if I know that similar-minded friends have really enjoyed a book — it makes it unbearable for me until I read it too! (So friend recommendations/reviews are high on my list.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      YES! Agreed! Hearing what other people say about books plays a huge part in what I think about them before I actually read it for myself. I mean, not EVERYONE, but there are people who I feel like have similar reading guidelines as I do, and that helps a ton.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Bekah says:

    SO MANY BOOK!! AH! Where do I begin? Haha. To answer your question, the blurb is what draws me into a book. If it sounds intriguing with a strong Christian message, than that makes me more liable to pick up a book rather than whether the cover is appealing or not. (Though having a beautiful cover does not hurt one bit. 😉 )

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      The blurb is probably more important to me than the cover, too. BUT! When I’m just glancing through books, or like on Amazon or something, then I do have to sort via covers, cause it would take WAY too long to read all the blurbs. I think I’ve probably missed out on some pretty great books because the covers didn’t look well-designed. #oops

      Liked by 1 person

  4. ladyelasa says:

    The cover is actually a big thing for me, but usually, the reason why I read a book is word of mouth. If a friend says they like it I’m more likely to read it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Covers are a huge draw to get me to look into a book, but not a deciding factor in if I’ll read it or not. But yes, I agree that word of mouth is one of those big things for me.

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