P is for Planning #AtoZChallenge {Vlog}

Welcome to the A to Z Challenge. This year I’m blogging about the Behind the Scenes for the Echoes Trilogy – a story a started writing about six years ago.

A2Z-BADGE-100 [2017]
Happy Wednesday Morning, to y’all! I’m super excited about the post this morning. In my vlog I open my newest piece of writing equipment – The WriteMind Planner by Perry Elisabeth. Y’all should totally check it out! (In case you wondered this isn’t a sponsored post, I’m just that enthusiastic about the planner.)

Watch the vlog here. 

(And, while you’re at it, if you want to subscribe to my Youtube channel, that would be totally amazing!)

18 thoughts on “P is for Planning #AtoZChallenge {Vlog}

  1. Jacqui Murray says:

    Your enthusiasm should be bottled and sold. I love videos like this, that show the user open the product on screen and we see exactly how intuitive it is. Yours is A+. I do these with software programs and digital devices a lot, just to see how easy they are to use.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Haha, thank you! Your comment made me smile. 🙂 Being surprised by the glitter on the cover was pretty cool. And that’s pretty cool that you can do it with software programs and digital devices – good job!


    • Lydia Howe says:

      Aww, thank you, Kaitlyn! I’m really looking forward to diving into the planner – all I have to do is finish the 19th draft of WLHYL (which should be today), then I can shift my focus…. cue excitement


    • Lydia Howe says:

      Well, I have to finish the 19th draft of my other WIP before I go onto the 3rd draft of Echoes, so I haven’t used the planner yet, but I’m looking forward to it for sure!


  2. Claire says:

    Your enthusiasm is contagious – glitter makes everything more exciting! 😀 I absolutely love planners, and it’s so cool there’s one especially for writers…all the to-do lists and character sheets look like so much fun! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Yay! Thank you. =) And YES for glitter! I don’t even remember why I started liking it so much, but it makes me happy. 🙂 And I agree, it does look like tons of fun! I’m looking forward to using it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Ah yes, I know that whole “re-reading” thing that goes along with writing a book further along in the series. I do a lot of re-reading myself. And, I’ve never used a planner like this before, although I did try and kinda put one together for myself once. I’m looking forward to seeing how this one works….


    • Lydia Howe says:

      YAY for glitter!!! Ah yes – if I ever do NaNoWriMo again, I want to be REALLY prepared for it! I’m glad that your planning helped you.
      And awww, thank you so much! That’s kind of you to say. 🙂


  3. Bekah says:

    I’ve heard of the WriteMind Planner and it looks so neat. I’ve considered getting one, but am not sure how much I would use it since I do most of my planning online but since seeing your vlog, I’m back to thinking about it! 🙂 Thanks for reviewing it.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      I’m glad you’re thinking about getting one! I’ll have to email you after I use it some more and give you a better review of it. 🙂


  4. Emma Kauffman says:

    This is a neat vlog! I love watching you open you planner and taking such delight in “little things” (cuz I think we could all learn to do that a little more!). I love the theme you chose for the A to Z Challenge, but you need to hurry up so I can read the books.:);)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia Howe says:

      Aww! Thank you! I’m glad you watched the vlog and liked it. And yes! Finding delight in “little things” is so much fun!
      And yay, thanks! I’m glad you like the theme. And hurrying up? I’m trying to! 😉


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