
Welcome to a beautiful Monday morning, everyone!

I’ve seriously never gotten the whole ‘I-hate-Monday’s’ thing, Monday’s are great! Maybe it’s cause with a family business, weekends aren’t very clearly defined. Maybe it’s because my parents are huge on positive attitudes, so I’ve never heard them complain and blame it on Monday. Anyway, I just thought I’d hang out for a little bit and write a random list of things I’m thankful for. (And yes, ‘random’ may, or may not be my favorite new word.) 😉

I’m Thankful: 
1. That I have the ability to hear birds sing. Really, birds make some of the coolest sound ever.
2. That I’m a writer! Yea! And even better, that I finished one of my WIP’s yesterday! I’m really totally very happy about it. It was going to be a stand alone book, but yeah, I kind of almost went crazy at the thought of the characters never coming back to grace the pages of another story, so I’ll be writing more with them in the future. (Yes, I just referred to my characters as ‘them’ as if we’re a writing team.)
3. That I have the ability to work late in the middle of the night (like 4 a.m.), and then take naps during the day. {Lyme Disease messes up sleeping patterns… Just sayin’}
4. That I don’t have times of intense pain like I’ve heard a lot of people with Lyme Disease have. Really, really thankful. Being ‘sick’ all the time is a lot better than intense pain! 
5. That we only have six goats to milk right now. Oh, and even bigger plus, we have AC in the milk room! I mean, it was like in the 90’s up there, and it’s a little, closed-in room that have three goats on the stands at a time… I can’t describe the heat to you. But yeah, now it’s in the low 80’s, so that’s TONS better. =) 
6. That I have a lot of siblings. I mean, I guess it depends on who you talk to, ‘cause compared to people who have like 16 kids, ten isn’t that many, but still, it’s a great number. It means you’ve got a lot of people to hang out with who understand inside jokes. 
7. And the coolest add-on to that ^ one, is that (almost) all of us work together with our family business. That’s just way cool! 
8. That I live where there are rolling hills, greenness and seasons. Yea for seasons! Autumn is the best ever. I just think about September and October and almost cry for joy. Yeah, I’m being serious. 
9. For clean houses. Clean houses inspire my imagination. (Well, pretty much dirty houses do, too. But when the house is dirty I have to work on cleaning it instead of on my writing.) 
10. For water. Yeppers. I’d pretty much be dead without it.  

What’s something you’re thankful for? 
Oh yeah, and don’t forget to check out my Writing Contest!

7 thoughts on “Monday!!!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thankful for having a great time with you playing, being silly, eating, doing chores, laughing, talking, etc.
    I am
    Also thankful for beautiful days like this.
    Thankful for my amazing family even if I don't have sisters I have wonderful brothers 🙂
    🙂 🙂 ~ Marta ~ (: (:


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